Organization Structure

EWAC consists of three technical committees, a policy committee, and a steering committee.

The three technical committees—ESA, MBTA, and BGEPA—assist members in achieving EWAC’s mission, and provide forums for collaboration on the regulatory, technical, and policy issues that arise under each committee’s respective statute. Committee members work together, evaluating and responding to regulatory developments and understanding how various technological advancements can advance conservation efforts. Examples of committee initiatives include:

  • The ESA committee evaluated and shared various proactive conservation efforts taken for pollinator species at member facilities.
  • The MBTA committee works to identify practical approaches to maximize conservation of migratory bird species.
  • The BGEPA committee advocates for and monitors progress made in developing mitigation options for eagle conservation.

The committees also coordinate on issues affecting wildlife arising under other statutes such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.

The Policy Committee consists of one representative from each member company, approves the annual budget, and sets the organization’s general policy direction, as recommended by the steering and technical committees. EWAC is a majority-rules organization and therefore specific decisions made by the Policy Committee may not always reflect the positions of every member.

The Steering Committee is comprised of members of the Policy Committee and acts as an advisory group to the Policy Committee.